We are awakening to Higher Self reality like never before. It is truly a blessed transition from the old paradigm, so don’t allow yourself to be tricked by the ego any longer. Discover the Soul Merge process to assist you in stepping into your true purpose for being here.
Introducing New Faculty Member, Greg Tharpe
Introducing new Faculty Member, Greg Tharpe to the Conscious Clarity Center family!
Greg Tharpe is a Spiritual Messenger and Life Transformation Master. His thought provoking and profound spiritual insight brings a new holistic spiritual perspective of God, Self, the Universe, Truth and life which reveals ancient secrets in a new more enlightening, empowering and enriching way. Greg’s profound practical spiritual teachings about the mind-life connection causes transformation and increased faith in one’s higher power; leading to greater abundance, happiness, healing and holistic success.
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Introducing New Faculty Member, Lynne Namka, Ed. D.
Introducing new Faculty Member, Lynne Namka, Ed. D. to the Conscious Clarity Center family!
Lynne Namka, Ed. D. is a Happy Psychologist in private practice in Tucson, AZ, and an occasional storyteller. Her last three books are about finding and keeping love: Love as a Fine Species of Madness – which is a tear-jerker; the metaphysical fairy tale, Castalia Ever After; and the hysterically funny, feminist fairy tale, The Loathsome Lady: The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell. Collectively, these three books take a hard-eye look at the wrong kind of loving.
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Donate to Operations Fund
The Conscious Clarity Center is dedicated to bringing programs to our community that inspire Spiritual Transformative Education. To ensure this is successful, we require keeping our basic Operations Fund monetized at a level which allows us to market our nonprofit organization to both spiritual seekers and spiritual teachers.
Since our organization relies on the generosity of individuals like you, we ask you to consider a donation to our Operations Fund. We hope that you will support our efforts. We are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization, therefore, all of your donations are tax deductible.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Terry Swejkoski
President and CEO
Bullying Epidemic
This morning, I read a story about a little nine-year-old girl that committed suicide due to the trauma of the current Bullying Epidemic in the world. The loss of this beautiful child’s life is so tragic, but equally tragic is that she experienced bullying in the first place.
It is my hope that our societal misunderstanding of the increasing bullying epidemic be brought to the forefront of what is no longer acceptable. No child should ever experience bullying – period.
The only way to eradicate this current increasing bullying epidemic is to bring awareness to the fact that bullies are “created” by social influences and egoistic control dramas that perpetuate our culture.
There are many excellent books available which explain some of the dynamics leading to this increasing bullying epidemic. One excellent resource into bringing light to understand this tragedy is “Bullies Need Help Too! – Lesson Plans for Helping Bullies and Their Victims” by author Lynne Namka, Ed. D. Please take a few moments to review this excellent book.
Program Launch – Effortless Super Abundant Living
We are pleased to offer Online Interactive Spiritual Programs – This month’s special offer is the Effortless Super Abundant Living program, by author Greg Tharpe.
This program is designed to facilitate the paradigm shift to get you connected to your highest potential or divine wisdom and guidance where “whatever you ask in spirit will be given to you.”
Meetup Group Event January 18 2018
Last night we offered our Meetup Group, Conscious Clarity Center Satsang Meditation, an event focused on the Four Body Alignment System of the Conscious Clarity Energy Process™ teachings. High energy and awakening of true Oneness!
Announcing Live Greg Tharpe Monthly TeleSeminars
I’d like to invite you to join in on my monthly LIVE discussions with other like minded spiritual seekers. Typically, we meet on Thursday evenings and cover current local and national events in the news or requested topics based upon your input.
Check my Calendar now to register for the next live event!
Are you stuck, not making progress or having issue in some part of your life? Are you lonely and in search of that special person? Are you deep in debt and don’t see a way out? Are you sick or overweight and not fit and want to be healthy? Are you working long hours to make ends meet and just want more freedom? Are you stressed out and just want more peace of mind? Do you want to find your purpose in life? Or do you just want to be happier, healthier, more prosperous, and more blessed and successful.
Now you can learn to connect with your abundance destiny by receiving spiritual solutions to money, health and relationship challenges. Life is designed for you to thrive, prosper and succeed if you understand the inner working of mind, body, spirit and soul.
It is my privilege to serve you on your spiritual journey!
Greg Tharpe