This morning, I read a story about a little nine-year-old girl that committed suicide due to the trauma of the current Bullying Epidemic in the world. The loss of this beautiful child’s life is so tragic, but equally tragic is that she experienced bullying in the first place.
It is my hope that our societal misunderstanding of the increasing bullying epidemic be brought to the forefront of what is no longer acceptable. No child should ever experience bullying – period.
The only way to eradicate this current increasing bullying epidemic is to bring awareness to the fact that bullies are “created” by social influences and egoistic control dramas that perpetuate our culture.
There are many excellent books available which explain some of the dynamics leading to this increasing bullying epidemic. One excellent resource into bringing light to understand this tragedy is “Bullies Need Help Too! – Lesson Plans for Helping Bullies and Their Victims” by author Lynne Namka, Ed. D. Please take a few moments to review this excellent book.
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