The Chakra System consists of twelve major chakras, which interface with the Universe and the human body. Today’s discussion will focus on the first seven Chakras, as they relate mainly to the body. It would be best to become aware of the most relevant chakras to the human body. You will begin to see why learning about this energy system is essential as you continue to learn about raising your energy vibration to enhance your daily happiness.
The first seven Chakras will be the main focus from a human body perspective. I mention the eighth Chakra because it leads to the higher vibration levels of the true self.
The body has a core human energy system consisting of seven primary chakras, each with a relevant gland. The vast majority of people living day-to-day life in what is known as survival mode are unaware of the Chakra System; therefore, they are oblivious to its relevance to a happy and healthy life experience.
Each Chakra also has a specific set of influences, including color, audio tone, fragrance, etc. I will only focus on the most relevant physical glands for this discussion at this level of understanding. I recommend an in-depth study of the Chakra System to understand how the energy vibration system interfaces with each thought and reactive emotion. Intricate detail is offered later in the awareness process if you continue progressing with The Conscious Clarity Energy Process™ for a complete understanding.
The chart below offers a visual perspective of finding the seven main chakras that rest along our central body meridian. Next to the chart, I briefly explain each Chakra, starting with the Crown Chakra (7) and moving downward along the spine.
One of the exciting attributes of understanding the Chakra system is (in most cases) the knowledge that allows us to understand better why we do what we do daily. Some scientists have spent a lifetime studying the Chakra system to appreciate its unlimited power. Science has proven that everything is energy, and all energy is associated with and harmonizes with like energy. Therefore, your energy level will attract similar vibrating energy in every category of your life.
The chart on the right is a good reference point for quick observation, but I recommend an in-depth study of the Chakra System to grasp its importance fully →
Chakra System Fundamentals
The First Chakra, or root chakra, is the basic level of groundedness. It is about basic survival and was the point of power for primitive man, who had to deal with pure daily survival. He had to do what was necessary to adapt and survive, and the primary function of that Chakra is that energy of survival – pure raw survival energy. Due to their perspective of life, many people still live at this level of basic survival instinct, wondering how they will make it through to the next day. (This is associated with a third-dimensional mass consciousness vibration.)
The Second Chakra is the emotional/polarity chakra. It is the seat of emotions and has a deeply rooted illusion-making power that is second to none. People who are very polarized within that Chakra can create tremendous illusionary problems. The emotional body (part of the Four Body System) gets carried away by any impact, impulse, or interaction. Many are stuck in the second Chakra and live through the illusions of their emotions. Emotions can be a very uncomfortable energy zone if individualized in an identity perspective with life.
The sexual energy linked to the first and second chakras can be confused in several renditions of what the chakras do. Various sources have said the first Chakra is the seat of sexual energy; others say it is the second, both tied into understanding it. The first Chakra is the seat of the power in general. When expressed through the second Chakra, it touches upon sexuality. That is, from an animal perspective, and has nothing to do with emotion. When you get into humankind, you have sexual energy expressed through either of these other levels. (This is associated with a third-dimensional mass consciousness vibration.)
The Third Chakra is the solar plexus, also called the Power Chakra. The Power Chakra can be confusing because the first and second chakras are very powerful, too; more on this later. For now, you should know that all seven chakras in the Human Energy System ground to the Earth, and power flows through them. The direction of flow is irrelevant, so when I relate to a flow of energy, the order does not matter. The solar plexus is where much power is observed because it reflects the lower self. The solar plexus is where power is brought in and turned into material creation through the agency of willpower. Willpower was typically associated with third-dimensional mass consciousness vibration. However, now that we are moving into a fourth-dimensional mass consciousness vibration, this level moves into a Higher Self perspective of life for an awakened population.
The Fourth Chakra is the Heart Chakra. Heat does not mean the physical heart, which many misconstrue as the heart chakra. The physical heart is merely a pump for the distribution of blood within the physical body. The gland associated with the fourth chakra is the Thymus, located in the center of the chest over the heart. The Heart Chakra is the expression of Love in the physical. The Thymus gland helps build an infant’s immune system and handle all of your emotional feelings; it can do so. However, due to a misunderstanding of its total intended function, it has atrophied and shut down in puberty simply through the mechanism of a tremendous amount of false beliefs. The Thymus gland, in reality, is the seat of the rejuvenating power in the body. To progress into today’s fourth dimension, you must reactivate the Thymus gland and integrate the higher energy vibration into the intended Heart Chakra. One of the many processes for doing this is known as the “thymus thump.” If you want to focus on health, focus on the Thymus and find your immune system strengthened.
The Fifth Chakra, the Throat Chakra, is the primary means of expression. It is the energy transformer responsible for speech expression—not only vocal expression but also mental expression and mental reception, even from telepathic points of view. The Throat Chakra’s back is a receiving apparatus, almost like a satellite dish; you receive your telepathic impulses primarily from there.
The Sixth Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, is called the “spiritual eye” or “the eye of inner vision.” It is located in the forehead’s center and associated with the pineal gland. The third eye, seen in the Eternal Now, is a director of energy; it focuses, stimulates, and directs energies, including thought forms. It is the primary focus during most meditation practices.
The Seventh Chakra, the Crown Chakra, is the main entry point of a higher energy into the dense physical body. It is associated with the pituitary gland. The Crown Chakra is the terminal within the physical body that directly corresponds with the beginning of the Monadic level of awareness.
The Eighth Chakra is located approximately one foot below the feet. It has a subset of itself called the Earth Star. The first and second chakras, grounded in the Earth through the Earth Star Chakra, have immense significance. The Earth Star rests an average of twelve inches beneath the feet and is the physical point of contact with the Earth and the Soul Star (Ninth Chakra). The significance of the Soul Star and its subset, the Earth Star, is that all higher energy flows from the Soul Star through the physical body and is grounded to Earth by the Earth Star.
Note: Chakra’s eight (8) through twelve (12) are explained in the Monadic Level of the Conscious Clarity Energy Process™.
The powerful energy flow in the Human Energy System is a constant spiraling movement of higher realms of understanding and growth. This system is in a continuous state of evolution. Today, we are experiencing a quantum leap in spiritual development. The first three chakras merge as one as the world’s mass consciousness increases to levels beyond simply ego or personality reality.
The first step in the Soul Merge process is when the first three chakras’ lower energy vibrations transform into one. You will know when this happens because you will no longer follow along with typical unconscious beings’ flow. You will be free from the fear associated with survival mode and understand that there is greatness and divine purpose for your life. When this transition occurs, your interaction with your Higher Self will harmonize with your true-life plan. Your ego will no longer control you through its manipulations and will merge with your Higher Spiritual Self. You will see the illusionary aspect of the Lower Self with conscious clarity, and your energy vibration will build quickly in power.
Once the ego or personality merges with the soul, you will be ready for the Soul Merge process’s final phase. Your communication energy level of understanding will vibrate at a level that allows you direct access to Source Energy clarity. It is hard to explain in words how the Soul Merge with Source Energy feels; it’s more of a deep knowing. You will no longer look at things the same way and feel consistent peace, even during challenging situations. Soul Merge may present a problem for those around you who are still tied to third-dimensional beliefs and actions based on their limited belief structure. They will not understand your seemingly unconcerned outlook on daily life situations, which are significant challenges for them.
We are at a time in our evolution where we change or no longer exist as a species. The time has come to learn how to live from a higher state of awareness. We all have the opportunity to do so. It is truly an opportunity to step outside of our limitations and begin a new phase of evolution. We can reach deeper aspects of our limited self with little effort and emerge with higher awareness and guidance. Earth has now integrated into a fourth-dimensional spiritual structure where more people realize a better way of sustaining life. The world’s mass consciousness is increasing to the point of no return; we can no longer continue to live from only a third-dimensional reality or the ego’s perspective of truth.
When the Soul Merge process fully integrates, you will be in constant contact with Source Energy, and your heart and throat chakras will blend. You will openly acknowledge the Spiritual Being you are and communicate both auditory and mental reality from a higher level of awareness. Others may think of this “new you” as unnatural but will have no significance to you, as you will realize that it is not your business to interfere with their beliefs. You will be in direct harmony with your true Higher Self, and those who choose to follow will – those who choose not to – will be left behind. Soul Merge may be incredibly challenging for intimate relationships, as you will have grown to the point of no return while your mate is still living life from a third-dimension perspective.
Be patient, allow your life situation to evolve naturally, and enjoy your consistent state of inner peace and connection with Source Energy. All is in harmony with your destiny.
Author: Terry Swejkoski