Terry Swejkoski, Author – Consciously Live What You Feel shares insight:
It was an awesome book signing at the Grand Traverse Festival of Books 2018 sponsored by Bookbrokers & Kramer’s Cafe in the Grand Traverse Mall.
Thanks to Dan “DOC” McDougall for hosting this special event, you rock! You can stay abreast of all upcoming events at Bookbrokers & Kramer’s Café at https://www.facebook.com/bookbrokersandkramerscafe/.
We met some amazing people and a few local authors that stand out from the rest as being deeply inspired!
Take a few minutes to connect with these local authors to see what they have to offer:
Dan Dinsmore is the owner of Belle Photography and the author of the book Flying High – A Small Town Air Show featuring the US Navy Blue Angels aviation team. Dan’s inspiring photos of the Blue Angels flying high during the Grand Traverse Cherry Festival are sought after both locally and abroad. Visit Dan’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/Flyinghighcoffeetablebook/ to learn more about this publication.
James Jackson is the author of an amazing Sci-Fi Adventure Series that is portrayed in the Terran Chronicles Universe. James is an inspired writer that brings visions of discovery and hope to the forefront of reality when humanity faces “First Contact” after spaceships enter the orbit. If you read closely, you may even find a piece of James embedded in the story line. Check out his Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TerranChroniclesSaga/ to learn where to begin this journey of discovery.
Angela Crandall is a bundle of pure energy that
Keep an eye out for this author as she takes you on a journey of paranormal events that keep building as the story-line advances from one book to next in her series.
More about this inspired author is located on her Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AngelaK.CrandallAuthor/ and bookstores everywhere.