Courtney Miller is our newest Contributor Member at the Conscious Clarity Center. She is a full-blooded three fires nation artist and Pow-Wow dancer raised on the local reservation in Peshawbestown, Michigan. Her Spiritual journey began young, running through the woods and fields of Northern Michigan. As a Certified Medical Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer, Cannabis Consultant, and Bio-Field Tuning Specialist, Courtney brings a diverse set of talents to our community.
Consciously Live What You Feel 2020
You still have time to get an autographed color copy of “Consciously Live What You Feel” before the end of 2020! Order today directly from our webpage, and from Amazon for a black and white copy. Kindle version also available.
We are also planning a “LIVE EVENT”, Introduction to the Conscious Clarity Energy Process™, for April 2021, so stay tuned for that event announcement in the near future!
Wishing You Daily Thanksgiving!
Wishing all of you a joyous Thanksgiving filled with Love, Peace, and Light. May the gratitude you profess daily be the catalyst for a life of increased energy vibration that brings you to enlightenment.
Energy vibration is the key to all evolutionary movement forward. The lessons you discover along the life journey can be experienced the hard way, through mind-based desires, or the easy way through loving spiritually-based alignment with your real purpose for being here. Shift your energy today and embrace joy in your life every day!
The higher you are vibrating – the more comfortable life will be for you. – Terry Swejkoski
PTSD on Veterans Day 2020
Veterans – Thank you for your service!
Today, most Veterans of War attempt to deal with PTSD based upon medical treatments that are quite frankly out of date or never worked in the first place. Therefore, the effects of PTSD lingered for years and escalated every Veterans Day. Suppose you are not a Veteran of War. In that case, you will not understand why, but believe me, Veterans Day’s additional attention can have a devastating effect on recovery.
As a highly decorated Marine Corps Veteran, I spent ten years after the Vietnam War dealing with the horrific nightmares of my experiences in a war zone, as if they were as clear as the day they occurred. The medical industry did nothing to lessen the effects, and to this day, the medical industry does not truly understand the root cause of PTSD. That is why so many veterans continue to live with PTSD side effects.
Many years ago, I discovered a process to eliminate PTSD and have been able to assist others with the same condition. If you are still living the nightmare of PTSD after attempting conventional cures, contact me today for assistance. Phone 231-256-2121 or send an email to
Terry Swejkoski
President/CEO Conscious Clarity Center Inc.
October 2020 Update – Our Response to COVID-19
Update October 2020
We have been closely watching the COVID-19 pandemic resurgence throughout the United States, and now throughout the World. Although many businesses are reopening, based upon what we observe, we have decided to continue our on-site closure of the Conscious Clarity Center facility for the remainder of the calendar year 2020. Our decision is mainly due to the continued inconsistent reporting from Federal Government agencies.
We have witnessed unstable recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and now modifications due to political influence on the actual first-hand scientific reports conducted by leading scientists. As of today, we have more than 206,000 fatalities due to COVID-19 and over seven million confirmed cases in the United States. With those numbers, it is still too early to tell what the total devastation will be without serious intervention at the Federal Government level. We continue to get mixed messages from the White House leadership that does not in any way, align with what the scientific community is recommending. Fall is upon us now, which means people will be going indoors again.
Therefore, we will continue to proceed with caution by monitoring COVID-19 statistics to keep our community safe. If the situation changes, we will then reevaluate based upon present moment scientific facts.
We are continuing to develop plans to bring you on-site seminars for the 2021 season. Still, they are based upon limited seating arrangements, and upon realistic social distancing reality.
Change Due to COVID-19
Update August 8, 2020
Gov. Whitmer Extends State of Emergency to
September 4, 2020
Another month has passed, and we have been closely watching the COVID-19 pandemic resurgence throughout the United States. Although many businesses are reopening, based upon what we are now observing in Michigan and the scientific medical factors, we have decided to continue our on-site closure of the Conscious Clarity Center facility. This decision was also based upon Governor Whitmer extending the executive order (ORDER No. 2020-165) Declaration of state of emergency and state of disaster-related to the COVID-19 pandemic, through September 4, 2020.
Continue to use this time to increase your Spiritual strength and to share your feelings with those you love. Balance your thoughts and embrace your emotions, knowing you are a Spiritual entity healing. To assist you with this endeavor, the Conscious Clarity Center will continue to provide live online Satsang Meditations via Zoom every Thursday evening, unless otherwise notified.
At the Conscious Clarity Center, we always prefer to have live events at our facility, but times have changed now. Everyone needs to make adjustments in how they interact with the community if they are still going to serve at the same level as before the COVID-19 stay-at-home mandates.
We have shifted all of the typical on-site Satsang Meditations to ONLINE weekly events at the Conscious Clarity Center. Through the power of Zoom, events are still coming to the community with the convenience of participation from home. This is a wonderful opportunity for those too shy to come to an on-site event to experience the magic of Satsang Meditation with everyone in the family.
Additionally, the Conscious Clarity Center now offers ONLINE interactive courses on our newly developed Learning Management System (CCCLMS). We are working diligently to add more courses each week to this fantastic new learning process. Yes, again, we would prefer to have you at our, on-site, full emersion events, but that’s not a reality right now.
The significant part about all this “Change,” is that we have had the opportunity to reach out to our community in new ways. Even when we do get back to normal, we plan to still keep all our recent changes in place, as an addition to our regular on-site events.
If you are struggling with the new ways of doing business, give us a call, we may be in a position to assist you by sharing what we have learned during this time of change.
May 2020 Conscious Clarity Center Newsletter
Welcome to the May 2020 Conscious Clarity Center Newsletter. As we continue to heal our Planet through sharing stay-at-home experiences with loved ones, let us never forget to feel the LOVE flowing right now throughout the World. Everything happens as it meant to happen based upon a Divine Plan, misunderstood if we are out of balance. Therefore, bring yourself to a place of deep Love Energy; understand that you can manifest a balanced life even in the uncertainty of physical challenges.
We are in a state of healing that has allowed us to spend much time in silence. Use this time to increase your Spiritual strength and to share your feelings with those you love. Balance your thoughts and embrace your emotions, knowing you are a Spiritual entity healing.
The Conscious Clarity Center is a nonprofit organization focused on bringing Spiritual Awareness of Higher Self to the forefront of your daily life, through the process of Spiritual Transformative Education. The channeled energy of the Conscious Clarity Energy Process™ is a spiritual discourse guaranteed to bring you back to the true reality of who you are – if you are willing to listen to the messages presented. Are you ready?
Ask yourself this question: How Did I Forget Who I Really Am?
You are not a human being; you are a Spiritual Being having a human experience. Let that sink in for a few minutes before continuing. Don’t think about it; just sit with it. My goal is to assist you in remembering who you really are and to realign you with your true Higher Self!
Beginning the moment you were conceived, the essence of which you really are started to be clouded by the good intentions of your parents, teachers, and society as a whole. This is no one’s fault; it is merely a statement of fact.
The personality/ego is part of the whole separation process that comes from being born into a human form at a very low vibration. You are placed on Earth at a vibration level in line with the collective consciousness of the Planet at the time of your human form’s birth. If you attempted to enter the body at your highest self vibration, the body would immediately disintegrate. Therefore, it was necessary to lower your initial energy vibration level to align with your birth environment.
Not all people experience the same type of birth process. It depends mostly on the parents you choose before coming here and the life-form situation those parents have decided to live in. For now, it’s essential for you to at least consider the idea that you wrote out your entire life plan, from the day of your birth to the day of your death, before arriving here on Earth.
As you begin the journey into The Conscious Clarity Energy Process™, (if you are even to consider getting back in touch with your true Higher Self), you must be prepared to step into areas of realization that will be very uncomfortable for the personality/ego (hereafter simply known as ego) to grasp. This is the challenging part for most people; this whole experience, including taking this study course, is a process that you agreed to long before you decided to come into form on this Planet. I will provide the details of why you are here later in the program. If you allow some open-mindedness while we start, I promise I will explain precisely why you should at least consider what I’m saying and trust it has the potential of being absolute truth.
It will require a considerable amount of time for you to adjust to this concept before your ego adapts sufficiently to be comfortable with this new awareness. All the information and proof you need to begin to accept this truth will grow as you continue to read on.
There has been fog or a smokescreen placed in front of you such that you have fallen into the typical life-form “what’s in it for me” trap, which clouds the true essence of your greatness. The ego does not want you to become consciously clear – it wants to control. It intends to pilot The Train of Life™ in its unhealthy manner.
There is no longer a planet of beings that experience reality in three dimensions; it moved into the higher awareness of a fourth dimension reality many years ago, likely without you even knowing it.
Ponder that for now …
Namaste – Terry Swejkoski
May 2020 Events – ONLINE ONLY
May 7th, May 14th, May 21st, May 28th, and June 4th – Thursday 7:30 – 8:15 pm – Conscious Clarity Center Satsang Meditation (ONLINE VIA ZOOM LIVE EVENT)
It’s essential to stay connected with your Spiritual Community while we are experiencing this stay-at-home mandate. We will continue to offer our ONLINE Satsang Meditation evenings at least through May. These are weekly events; therefore, it is convenient for all of you to schedule some time to connect with your fellow spiritual seekers. Let us hear from you during the discussion phase of the Satsang; we care about what you are experiencing!
Many of you have commented that Satsang Meditation has been very helpful in getting through this challenging time. We thank you for that feedback and hope that you will continue to join us for these enlightening energy discussions.
Below is the Conscious Clarity Center invitation about how you can all connect on Zoom for our scheduled events:
Conscious Clarity Center is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Conscious Clarity Center Satsang Meditation
Time: May 7, 2020 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Thu, until Jun 4, 2020, 5 occurrence(s)
May 7, 2020 07:30 PM
May 14, 2020 07:30 PM
May 21, 2020 07:30 PM
May 28, 2020 07:30 PM
Jun 4, 2020 07:30 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 780 9599 5650
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,78095995650# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,78095995650# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 780 9599 5650
Find your local number:
COVID-19 Related – We Continue to Honor the Stay-at-Home Recommendation
We care, and we understand the seriousness of the COVID-19 virus. To help our community, the Conscious Clarity Center will now be closed to events until at least May 31st, (we will update any changes) to help with regional containment. We believe in doing the right thing for all of humanity. Stay home with your family now and start planning a trip to see us later in the year, we’ll still be here and ready to welcome spiritual seekers!
If we reopen the center June 1st, we ask that you honor our screening questions and stay at home if you answer YES to any of the following:
- Do you have a fever or worsening cough or shortness of breath or flu-like symptoms?
- Have you or a close contact traveled to an area with widespread or sustained community transmission of COVID-19 within 14 days of symptom onset?
- Have you been in close contact with someone, including health care workers, confirmed to have COVID-19?
If you have any doubts about possible contact with COVID-19, please stay at home; we will see you at the next ONLINE Satsang/Meditation.
Online Events:
Weekly Online Satsang Meditation – Thursday 7:30 – 8:15 pm, until further notice.
Visit our website Online Program page to see the latest programs available through our Learning Management System (CCCLMS).
Office Hours: Hours of operation: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday – Wednesday – Thursday, only. If you need to contact us on any other day, please send us an email. You can also fill out the Contact Us form on our website.
Thank you for being part of our growing community. It is truly our pleasure to serve your Spiritual Growth endeavors.
The Conscious Clarity Team
Conscious Clarity Center, Inc.
501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
Online Weekly Satsang Meditation
Due to the COVID-19 stay-at-home recommendation, we have started weekly 45-minute ZOOM guided Satsang Meditation evenings. The Satsang Meditation will start on Thursday, April 23, 2020, at 7:30 – 8:15 pm and continue every Thursday until further notice. To join the Zoom Meeting click on the link below:
Conscious Clarity Center Online Weekly Guided Satsang Meditation
We care, and we understand the seriousness of the COVID-19 virus. To help our community, the Conscious Clarity Center will be closed to on-location events until further notice (we will update any changes) to help with regional containment. We believe in doing the right thing for all of humanity. Stay home with your family now and start planning a trip to see us in person later in the year, we’ll still be here and ready to welcome spiritual seekers!