Update August 8, 2020
Gov. Whitmer Extends State of Emergency to
September 4, 2020
Another month has passed, and we have been closely watching the COVID-19 pandemic resurgence throughout the United States. Although many businesses are reopening, based upon what we are now observing in Michigan and the scientific medical factors, we have decided to continue our on-site closure of the Conscious Clarity Center facility. This decision was also based upon Governor Whitmer extending the executive order (ORDER No. 2020-165) Declaration of state of emergency and state of disaster-related to the COVID-19 pandemic, through September 4, 2020.
Continue to use this time to increase your Spiritual strength and to share your feelings with those you love. Balance your thoughts and embrace your emotions, knowing you are a Spiritual entity healing. To assist you with this endeavor, the Conscious Clarity Center will continue to provide live online Satsang Meditations via Zoom every Thursday evening, unless otherwise notified.
At the Conscious Clarity Center, we always prefer to have live events at our facility, but times have changed now. Everyone needs to make adjustments in how they interact with the community if they are still going to serve at the same level as before the COVID-19 stay-at-home mandates.
We have shifted all of the typical on-site Satsang Meditations to ONLINE weekly events at the Conscious Clarity Center. Through the power of Zoom, events are still coming to the community with the convenience of participation from home. This is a wonderful opportunity for those too shy to come to an on-site event to experience the magic of Satsang Meditation with everyone in the family.
Additionally, the Conscious Clarity Center now offers ONLINE interactive courses on our newly developed Learning Management System (CCCLMS). We are working diligently to add more courses each week to this fantastic new learning process. Yes, again, we would prefer to have you at our, on-site, full emersion events, but that’s not a reality right now.
The significant part about all this “Change,” is that we have had the opportunity to reach out to our community in new ways. Even when we do get back to normal, we plan to still keep all our recent changes in place, as an addition to our regular on-site events.
If you are struggling with the new ways of doing business, give us a call, we may be in a position to assist you by sharing what we have learned during this time of change.
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