Over the next few weeks, I will summarize the twelve main spiritual dimensions of consciousness, which correspond to five reference planes of energy vibration, guided by a spiritual hierarchy of twelve councils of twelve at the eternal plane of reality. This discussion will be an exciting journey for some of you and leave you asking for more information and details; it will be the end of curiosity for others. Your current energy vibration and willingness to open up to other possibilities beyond ego control tactics will determine your chosen path.
Before we begin, open your browser to Illustration E, Energy Vibration/Life Fuel Source, and print the illustration for future reference.
Before entering the current body you are using today, your life was at the twelfth level of consciousness, absolute truth linked directly to the Source Energy eternal plane of understanding. Nevertheless, you agreed to make this journey to Earth to fulfill your commitment to raising the world’s mass consciousness by living purposefully. How far have you come thus far?
You lowered your energy vibration to the level necessary to harmonize with the family you chose to join and directly align with your purpose for being here. This commitment determined your spiritual awareness at the time of human birth. Therefore, your accomplishments are governed by increasing your energy vibration to benefit your purpose.
You know you are a Spiritual Being having a human experience. You are ready to experience a greater understanding of why people do what they do to assist in raising the mass consciousness of the world. Dimensional consciousness is of the utmost importance if you remember your planned purpose for being here because dimensions arrange the various planes of existence related to their vibrational frequency. Furthermore, each dimension aligns with specific cosmic laws in harmony with its frequency.
Let’s begin our journey into understanding the various levels of dimensional consciousness!
First Dimension: The first dimension is the seed of all creation and brings the understanding of life with it. All that ever was is or will be is based upon the first awareness realized as Spiritual Beings and the agreements made during this creation process.
Second Dimension: The second dimension is the lowest, darkest self-energy. This dimension is at the primal level of understanding, below the current baseline of humanity’s life plan. It vibrates at a very low energy vibration and aligns with basic food and survival requirements. At this primitive awareness level of reality, living life at the purely egoistic resultant fact of life without considering anyone else is very dark. Material and substance addictions control these people.
Third Dimension: The third dimension is concerned primarily with the physical Six Categories of life. The Soul Merge and Spiritual Life categories of life are not relative to most people at this level of awareness. The level of the life fuel source is lower personality/ego and is focused on human influence and how I can achieve more for myself. Unfortunately, this is the level most humanity is in harmony with, and I will discuss it in great detail during the next session.
Author: Terry Swejkoski