Once you awaken to the fact that “Meditation is not some ’thing’ you do; it is the experience of Being that which you are,” it will become easier for you to purposely integrate your higher purpose into daily life. Then, you will start asking better questions, and energy will flow with Conscious Clarity as never before.
Discover your purpose for Being here by focusing your intention on the emotion of Love rather than fear. Love will align you with the power to live a life filled with daily happiness and true meaning. Fear will hold you prisoner to the ego’s manipulations. What’s your choice?
With all the challenges in the world surrounding us as humankind, it’s easy to get sidetracked from our true intention for being here. However, when we finally rediscover the ultimate truth, we are all part of Source Energy, sent here to understand our essence, and greatness will blossom. We all have special talents unique to the small area of our existence as spiritual beings having a human experience. If Source Energy is the Ocean of Life, we can see ourselves as water droplets existing in the Oneness of that divine totality encompassing the Universe.
If you understood that you are, in fact, part of Source Energy, would you not view what you do daily as part of a divine plan? If you took responsibility as a co-creator of each moment instead of what you think you are (identified by some role you play), would your life be any different today? If you could connect daily in any given moment with the ultimate power of the Universe, would you?
We all contain the power to have direct conversations at the highest level of Source Energy (directly with God). However, most people pray as if God were some outside source that grants favors when we ask for them. Prayer is a beautiful way to express feelings and give homage to a higher divine spirit that is more significant than the earthly body. However, suppose you never go deeper than prayer alone. In that case, you are missing out on the actual two-way connection readily available to you directly within the essence of which you indeed are.
Through meditation, you can transcend the body and reach the awareness of Higher Self communication, which offers life’s ultimate Source of Energy guidance. Once you discover this higher level of communication, solutions to life’s challenges appear as if by magic. With this higher realization of self, you begin to experience the essence of your true self and integrate that experience into daily life. Therefore, life becomes a meditation, where guidance is always available in every moment.
It’s easy to integrate meditation into your daily life when you finally realize that Being instead of doing is Meditation.
Author: Terry Swejkoski