How often have you felt saturated with life-situation drama and wanted to take a break? With so many influences in our lives coming from outside sources, it’s difficult for most people to believe there is a place to eliminate thinking about everything. However, when you finally take the time to find a few precious moments of peace, it is often deemed an exhilarating experience.
During times of peace, you feel recharged. However, what you are feeling is a deeper connection with your Higher Self or an increase in your conscious energy vibration.
Meditation is when you stop thinking about everything you need to do and focus on Being in Spirit for a few moments.
The core purpose of Meditation is to bring you back to conscious awareness of your true Higher Spiritual Self. Meditation strips away the thoughts and distractions that place a fog around the essence of who you are, a spiritual being having a human experience. The truth of spiritual awareness is complicated for most people to understand because they believe that the life- situation they live in daily is all there is. Most believe there is no escape from their typical perceived life until the death of the body. These people typically live a life based on identifying with the labels placed upon them by society. Therefore, they consider living normal based on form-based identification of their roles, an illusion of what life is all about.
The more a person meditates, the more they discover how to eliminate the outside influences clouding the true self. Everyone is different, especially regarding the amount of unnecessary thought carried with them throughout life. Many people spend most of their daily living in the past or planning for the future. Therefore, they never really enjoy the beauty of each present moment. They are so focused on what was or will be they miss the mark when it comes to being integrated into the current moment. However, the now-moment is all we ever have available to us. Conscious awareness of time is in the now-moment experience, no other place! Let that sink in for a few moments.
How many minutes do you spend each day (wasting energy) attempting to be someplace else (in thought) other than where you are in the present moment? Is life passing by while you live in another state of illusion?
Meditation eliminates cluttered, unnecessary thoughts from the Mental Body. It offers us a place to experience a fourth-dimensional zone of higher energy vibration, filled with peace and the answers to all challenges. It brings balance to life and lets us share our purpose for being here wholly.
You, too, can easily tap into this limitless higher energy source and discover the secrets of Universal Intelligence. Are you ready to start the shift into Higher Consciousness today?
Author: Terry Swejkoski