Happiness is not something you need to chase; it is your natural state and is always available to you. It is an intricate part of the joy you possess within your Higher Self.
There are thousands of self-help books and gurus out there now, all touting ideas about what it takes to be happy. The pursuit of happiness is so popular that the formal birth of a new psychology field called “positive psychology” was implemented in 1998 by Dr. Martin Seligman, the then-president of the American Psychological Association. Since that time, many prominent studies developed by psychologists have attempted to determine what it takes to be happy. Psychological determinations are even more popular today, especially with mental turmoil in every corner of the world. Therefore, with happiness now an open field of scientific study, more organizations join to find happiness.
However, my opinion goes beyond typical scientific thinking and perceived professional explanation. We do not need to pursue happiness to feel joy; it’s what happiness “is not.” The paradigm shift into higher consciousness addresses this topic by removing the mental stories from the equation and focusing on the Spirit’s deeper reality.
When you came into this world, you entered, anchored in a natural state of happiness and bliss. You embraced the joy within. You knew you came here to fulfill a spiritual purpose and were excited about the journey you had planned for yourself. This natural state of being is still anchored deeply within you; however, it has been hidden by societal influences and ego-based dogma. This dogma requires daily attention to produce the state of unhappiness that is overpowering your natural happiness. Spiritual leaders understand that you always manifest more of a focused reality. Focusing on the harmful dogma of life situations and perceived problems, you unintentionally blind your natural state of happiness. The good news is that you can reverse this destructive process with little effort if you realign with your Higher Self. Yes, you can again bring the natural state of happiness to the forefront of your everyday life.
The best way to renew the natural state of happiness is by consciously removing the situations from your life that are clouding your innate joy and spiritual life plan. Renewing is not corrected overnight, as it has taken your mind (ego) years of manipulation to hypnotize you into the place you are today. You must abolish this old paradigm if you are to return to the true path of your destiny. Once you truly decide to choose a life of happiness over sadness, then and only then will you be ready to start the detoxification process. The truth is that you are addicted to unhappiness manifested by society’s old paradigm of mind control and that addiction is the root cause of your current negative reality. As with any other addiction, you first need to acknowledge that you have a problem. When you freely admit this challenge, the recovery process can positively impact your life. The significant part is that you have a choice: to start detoxifying immediately or continue to blame your life situation on other outside influences.
Happiness is a state of consciousness; therefore, if you move through life based upon a state of unconscious illusion, you subject yourself to the influences of others rather than your true nature. It’s when you eliminate the things (form-based mind dogma) from your life that cause sadness that you will awaken to the true joys of life. Then, you will focus on and fully embrace the happiness within you.
Through conscious awareness of your current unhappiness addiction, you can reverse the hypnotic trance you currently acknowledge as reality. The secret is to balance all the categories of your life so that they are in harmony with your original life plan for being here. When you learn how to balance all the categories, you will be happy every day of your life. It personally took me over fifty years to finally understand this profound spiritual truth and to acknowledge that I was living a life of unconscious random clutter. Choosing happiness within was not hard to do, and once I found an easy, conscious plan to do so, my life began to change immediately.
Author: Terry Swejkoski