The gifts you brought when entering this life cycle were pre-planned before your first breath. Everyone is excellent at something; when you learn to search deep within your Higher Self, greatness will surface, and you will know what career is best for you.
Outside influences cannot dictate what career will fulfill your destiny; however, you can use many resources to define your specific gifts. Certain attributes make you happy and passionate about your actual, purposeful work. Signs hidden within the Higher Self will direct you in the proper direction. You will receive these signals if you are off track from your Original Source Agreement path; this is especially true for career choice. Your career should always endeavor to maintain happiness; that should be your goal to fulfill your reason for being here. Suppose you are looking at money as your primary motivation for working. In that case, you will probably go to a daily job rather than having a career that fulfills your destiny for the greater good (service).
Our formal education system does little to explain the difference between having a job and doing our life’s work. Most schools teach us to get an education and then go out into the world to find a job working for someone else. There are other ways to make a living. If you want to quickly learn the difference between a job and doing your life’s work, please read the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki. He provides an excellent outline, utilizing what he calls “The Cashflow Quadrant” to explain the different outcomes of working for someone else in a job and doing your life’s work as a business owner or investor. You can become an investor while working a job; however, it will take longer to achieve the rewards. Believe me; it’s worth taking the time to read this book, especially if you are young and just beginning your career – it could save you years of wasted time and effort.
When you align with your true purpose for being here, your career will flourish, and you will have a life filled with abundance and joy. Abundance comes in many forms; however, what is considered abundant for one person may be regarded as poverty for another; let those words sink in without judgment. Happiness will be your reward if you accept it and approach everything you do with a positive, balanced attitude, including your career choice. It does not matter how many things you acquire or your social status. When you feel you are fulfilling your destiny, you feel content.
How others perceive you is irrelevant because they cannot tell you what is best for you; only you know for sure. If you choose a career out of alignment with your higher purpose, you will have days you hate going to work. By contrast, if you choose a career that aligns with your higher purpose, every day will be spent with increased momentum toward that purpose. Even if you miss the mark, you will be nudged with signals to get back on track. Sometimes, the nudging might be losing a job not meant for you. It may be a layoff, downsizing, business closing, or bankruptcy. Whatever comes, please pay attention, as it is a positive force that moves you in the right direction when your mind is overpowering your Higher Self purpose.
When you are in harmony with your Higher Self, your career will evolve, and you will feel the utmost passion in whatever you work on – every day. You will have a deep sense of knowing you are fulfilling your destiny and feel like you are making a difference in the world. You will feel at home with your work, which will be enjoyable rather than a job. Yes, there will be days when you may feel your Train of Life™ is losing momentum. Those days are there for a purpose: to slow you down for a moment; therefore, pay close attention to the subtle signs received during those periods. There are lessons to be learned from those periods of confusion, which could move you forward with a quantum leap in awareness.
Career books attempt to align you with an ideal path by asking many questions. They focus on your key attributes. If you answer the questions honestly, they select proposed career fields. These tests often miss the mark, mainly because most are produced from a self-centered perspective. Remember, there are many different paths to learning; there is no such thing as the right and only way. There are only different ways. What works for one will not necessarily work for another; therefore, take what works for you and dismiss the rest. If you feel deeply (in your heart) that your career follows a path that enhances happiness and helps others – then stick with it! However, suppose you are miserable, stuck in a dead-end job and will only go to work because you need to survive. In that case, if you are stuck in a dead-end job, sad, and only going to work because you need to survive, it may be time to look into changing careers at your earliest convenience, increasing your happiness level.
One of the best books that manifested precisely at the right time for me, based upon a spiritual philosophy (rather than ego) for discovering a genuine career path, is “I See Your Dream Job” by Sue Frederick. In this literary work of art, she describes in simplistic detail, partially through the ancient numerology system, how to discover your true career path. Sue believes the numerology system was founded in 580 B.C. by the mystic and philosopher Pythagoras. He teaches that each number carries a meaning or vibration (sound familiar) and that the numbers in our birth date and the letters in our name reveal our life mission.
When I analyzed this process for myself, I was amazed at the accuracy of occurrences in various careers and relationships throughout my lifetime, right up to the present moment. This system and daily meditation clearly define my Original Source Agreement.
If you are currently lost, investigating the recommendations offered here may be worth your time. It’s simply another way to consciously align your lower self with your true purpose for being here. Perhaps it will be an opportunity to understand better why you do what you do.
Author: Terry Swejkoski