Terry Swejkoski –
Conscious Clarity Energy Process™
Our founder, Terry Swejkoski, is a Spiritual Life Coach in Traverse City, Michigan, for those who want to take a quantum leap into the depths of the Highest Self-awareness. If you wish to enhance your teaching skills or fully embrace the Monadic Life, you will discover how you have been holding yourself back from the Highest Self-awareness.
A Spiritual Life Coach assists you in finding your true purpose in life and teaches you how to Consciously Embrace Your True Personality while serving others. This is unlike typical life coaches who deal with ego and mental self-improvement goals related to a physical body reality.
Don’t hesitate to contact our office to learn more about this energetic, limited-time offer, as only a few openings are available each season. These sessions are confidential and always relevant to your present moment circumstances.
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Please email us at info@ConsciousClarityCenter.org.
Call us at 231-943-2623
Feedback Messages
Terry is among the most spiritually powerful and perceptive beings I’ve met in this incarnation. He has been manifesting his connection with Source throughout his life. He has surprised me with his insights since the very first day I met him. Every satsang with him is a delight, sure to provide insight and deep knowledge relevant to our current life situation.
Just to sit with Terry is joy. I’ve been attending his satsangs as often as possible for years.
His teachings have sometimes come as a surprise, sometimes difficult for my ego to accept. (edit: funny that I wrote this just before he did exactly that) His earliest teachings to me concerned my role as a teacher and the arrangements that led to my birth into this incarnation. Both of these issues were very difficult for my mind and ego to accept, and they clashed with these teachings for a long time. Just this year I’ve discovered the truth of what Terry has been telling me for years.
How did he know more about me than I knew about myself?
I know the answer to that now.
– Robert T, Traverse City, Michigan
Book Review – Consciously Live What You Feel – by Terry Swejkoski
A Map for Spiritual Growth –
– Lynne N, Tucson, Arizona
Book Review – Consciously Live What You Feel – by Terry Swejkoski
This understanding will magically cause your life to be more blessed, effortless and relaxed.
– Greg T, Atlanta, Georgia