Concentrated effort should always be placed on Spiritual Life first because raising your energy in this category will bring the Higher Self into play at the beginning of the process. Increasing your energy vibration will quiet the mind and allow you to consciously focus on life from a higher state of awareness. Then, you will be able to repel the ego’s objections and attempts to manipulate you into falling back into old patterns of unconscious rebellion against the truth. Because the Higher Self has the power to overcome the ego’s most harsh tactics, you will not fall victim to egoistic tricks, which attempt to hold you back from focusing attention on your real purpose in life.
Spirituality is living from the divine power of the Universe, from the God-self or higher power than your human form alone. When you are living in-Spirit (inspired), you begin to tap into the awesome power and limitless potential of all that is – the Universal energy of Oneness.
Your thoughts, words, and deeds directly reflect the spiritual life you live each day. When the power of the spiritual Higher Self is at the forefront of your daily life, it flows effortlessly because acceptance is the fundamental belief you bring to every life situation moment. Everything that is taking place at this moment is unfolding in the precise manner it is currently meant to take place. The proof of this is straightforward, and it is happening now at this exact moment. Each life situation, “now moment,” is experienced in the present moment; nothing happens in the past or the future. Therefore, if it were not meant to happen in this present moment, it naturally would not.
Now is the time to focus on your Spiritual Life by placing the Spiritual Body at the forefront of every action taken.
Get started today by signing up for our life-changing, Introduction to the Conscious Clarity Energy Process™ program.