All our Contributor Members at the Conscious Clarity Center have very diverse backgrounds. Therefore, they use unique methodologies to bring the paradigm shift of higher consciousness to the forefront of your daily reality. Although their methods may be unique, they are all deeply rooted in the same conscious understanding of Oneness.
Each member uses their gifts consciously, centered in the present moment, to bring the messages channeled through them to the forefront of their conscious journey. Now, they would love to share their knowledge with you by bringing their visions into the light of your awareness.
Our pleasure at the Conscious Clarity Center is to offer you this unique assembly of coaches. Because each Contributor Member teaches based on their unique methodology, it allows the student to align with just the right vibrational energy. This enhances the learning experience and ultimately brings visions to light more quickly.
We believe that the Conscious Clarity Center offers the proper paradigm shift to bring your life to its higher consciousness and full potential. Enjoy the journey!
Terry Swejkoski
Terry Swejkoski is the President and CEO of the nonprofit Conscious Clarity Center, Inc., which teaches the paradigm shift of higher consciousness in the Traverse City, Michigan, area. The philosophy/foundation for the center is based upon the teachings of the Conscious Clarity Energy Process™ and Life’s Little Secrets book series, of which Terry is the author.
Terry provides conscious insight to everyone who has said, “There must be something greater to this life than what is seen on the surface.” He states that the Conscious Clarity Energy Process™ is formed to begin the journey of higher consciousness, awaken the truth about your limitless possibilities in life, and live based upon cooperation and abundance rather than competition and scarcity.
In truth, you are the innocence or essence of the love you bring to the world, and you have the divine spark within you to develop your visions into reality fully. Terry is a Master Coach, gifted with the conscious ability to assist you in reaching your true Highest Self potential in life.
When we ‘recruit the mind to serve the Soul’, life becomes a unified dance of pure Love, Peace and Light. – Terry Swejkoski
Karen Swejkoski
Karen Swejkoski is the Co-founder, Program Director, Treasurer and Secretary of the nonprofit Conscious Clarity Center, Inc. She brings high vibrational energy to the daily workings of the center, and those around her feel the spiritual guidance in everything she presents.
Karen is a sunshine spirit and a beautiful empath who truly feels what others are experiencing. She grew up in Charleston, Illinois and offered her unique gifts to the community in various positions. We are blessed to have her offer that same high-energy infectious light to the Traverse City, Michigan, area. As a former advocate for sexual assault survivors, tourism director, rental property owner, Chamber of Commerce Diplomat, and community volunteer, Karen has shared her gifts of an open heart, empathic nature, and flirtatious people skills to help those who cross her path.
Shift the ego’s perception and never-ending stories into a spiritual space of Grace, Peace and Love. When the endless mind chatter (ego) become quiet, the Divine Spirit and your Soul’s real purpose will shine through. The Universe is always whispering clues to us. When we become quiet enough, we hear them. – Karen Swejkoski
Greg Tharpe
Greg Tharpe is a Spiritual Messenger and Life Transformation Master. His thought-provoking and profound spiritual insight brings a new holistic spiritual perspective of God, Self, the Universe, Truth, and life, which reveals ancient secrets in a new, more enlightening, empowering, and enriching way. Greg’s profound practical teachings about the mind-life connection cause transformation and increased faith in one’s higher power, leading to greater abundance, happiness, healing, and holistic success. His mission and passion are to educate and inspire a higher spiritual awareness and consciousness of the divine spiritual power and potential in all human beings and its ability to destroy health, money, relationships, and other problems to create a better world.
After working for 30+ years supporting war fighters. I have transitioned and answered my true calling, therefore, I have devoted my life to working to make the world a better place and bring about peace, harmony, and a new humanity based on love and a spiritual truth perception of life. – Greg Tharpe
Lynne Namka, Ed. D.
Lynne Namka, Ed. D. is a retired Happy Psychologist in Tucson, AZ, and an occasional storyteller. Her last three books are about finding and keeping love: Love as a Fine Species of Madness – which is a tear-jerker; the metaphysical fairy tale, Castalia Ever After; and the hysterically funny, feminist fairy tale, The Loathsome Lady: The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell. These three books take a hard-eye look at the wrong kind of loving.
Woven into the fabric of her numerous books and articles are models and metaphors of the science, psychology and the mystical spirit world. Her writings contain ideas from Native American lore, Sufism, Buddhism and Taoism, with a basic overall Christian approach to becoming a kind, loving person.
The ideas in Lynne Namka’s popular children’s self-help books are based on years of working in programs for children with severe behavior problems. These books include Good Bye Ouchies and Grouchies, Hello Happy Feelings: EFT for Kids of All Ages, Parent’s Fight, Parents Makeup, and the best-selling The Mad Family Gets Their Mads Out. In addition, she has written several curriculums for therapists, teachers, and parents to work with angry children. She has a CD for children called Get Your Angries Out, which features anger management techniques.
Her award-winning website,, features a write-in advice column for angry children and has over 300 articles on anger management information. Her website receives 30,000 hits a month. She has also written an inclusive book on Bullying called Bullies Need Help Too! – Lesson Plans for Helping Bullies and Their Victims.
One of her talents is translating psychology research into everyday people’s language to provide practical ways of living a healthy life. Her light-hearted writings encourage the readers to be their highest and best selves by using positive tools and techniques to work with their emotions. Her extensive research and writing have instilled a constant drive to practice what she “preaches.”
I know the ways of the depths of the human heart and our longing for love. As a therapist I work with people who want love but try for it with the weapons of war—the ego and its defense mechanisms which separate us from others. Intimacy is a set of skills to be learned, which happens when we address our deepest fears. I love being a Love Coach! It’s part of my job as a healer helping people address their unruly and aggressive feelings and the negative ways of coping with them. Life is a great, grand mystery and we are here to connect with each other in loving relationships. There is a science and an art to creating loving relationships and my writings combine the two with practical advice and some fun. – Lynne Namka, Ed. D.
Courtney Miller
Courtney Miller is one of our newest Contributor Members at the Conscious Clarity Center. She is a full-blooded three-fires nation artist, and Pow-Wow dancer raised on the local reservation in Peshawbestown, Michigan. Her spiritual journey began when she was young, running through the woods and fields of Northern Michigan. As a Certified Medical Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer, Cannabis Consultant, and Bio-Field Tuning Specialist, Courtney brings diverse talents to our community.
Courtney now specializes in sound and vibrational healing, which is called “Bio-Field Tuning.” This incredible protocol harmonizes trauma locked in the human Bio-Field by utilizing specific tuning forks to locate the blockage’s root of energy obstruction. Anxiety, depression, and disease all stem from chaotic tones in the “Field” (Aura) that is 6-8 feet around the human body. She locates these chaotic tones through sound and magnetic charges. The tuning fork will pinpoint the disharmony, rendering the looping thoughts and physical manifestations powerless. A recent client was relieved of shingles in the eye for five painful years after only one Bio-Field session.
You are more than your body, through sound, we will show you! – Courtney Miller