- Publisher: Conscious Clarity Center, Inc.
- Editor: Karen Petersen
- Available in: Authographed Color Paperback or Amazon Paperback & Kindle
- ISBN: Paperback ISBN-13: 978-0-9994399-0-6, Kindle ISBN-13:978-0-9994399-1-3
- Published: November 1, 2017
This book aims to awaken the Higher Self within you through Spiritual Transformative Education and to bring your true purpose into the conscious awareness of Life.
This book, “Consciously Live What You Feel”, is Book One in the Life’s Little Secrets Book Series.
The “Consciously Live What You Feel” book focuses on the Soul Merge level of the Conscious Clarity Energy Process™, which assists you in understanding the ego’s purpose and eventually brings Spiritual Body awareness to the forefront of your Life during the Soul Merge process. It is at this point you will make a choice to stay a prisoner of ego and live a life controlled by other egos focused on fear and scarcity, or you will make the shift to Spiritual Body awareness through Soul Merge and change your Life from an ego-based mediocre existence to a love-based miraculous life of peace and abundance.
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I know it’s hard to believe from the ego’s point of view that all is well, no matter the life situation. When going through a time of physical or emotional pain, it’s difficult for the mind to accept that this is the way it was planned out. This is why it’s essential to embrace the knowledge lying dormant in your Highest Self daily to understand this acceptance and surrendering process. Meditative silence lets you connect with all the solutions to your questions.
When you feel emotions that don’t feel good, it’s a clue that you are off track. When you feel good emotions, it’s a clue you are on track and living your Life from a state of inspiration or in alignment with a higher Source of Energy.
I hope you become inspired to follow the realignment process of your four-body system, outlined in detail in this book. Dig deeply into your emotions and live a life based upon the Love, Peace, and Light within you, which is found in understanding the true definition of Oneness!
Namaste – Terrance G. Swejkoski
Traverse City, Michigan
Conscious Clarity Center Today!
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