- Publisher: Conscious Clarity Center, Inc.
- Editor: Karen Swejkoski
- Edition: FIRST
- Available in: Authographed Color Paperback or Amazon Paperback & Kindle
- ISBN: Paperback ISBN-13-978-0-9994399-3-7
- Published: March 1, 2024
Consciously Embrace Your True Personality is Book Two of the Life’s Little Secrets book series. It picks up where Book One, Consciously Live What You Feel, left off in the three-book sequence.
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Consciously Embrace Your True Personality is for the person ready to take quantum leaps in awareness and to build personal/business relationships at higher levels of energy vibration. This discourse is for everyone who feels at home with the Conscious Clarity Soul Merge Process principles provided in Book One of the series. If you haven’t already read Consciously Live What You Feel, starting by reading it first would be worthwhile.
Then, when you are ready for the next phase in the expanded Conscious Clarity Energy ProcessTM, your understanding of Consciously Embrace Your True Personality will be easier to assimilate the teachings into your daily life. By completing Book One, your life will have already started moving forward in peace, happiness and abundance. You will be balanced and live an inspired life that no longer follows the general path of the mass consciousness. You will establish your authentic self-identity and no longer live based on egoistic patterns.
Consciously Embrace Your True Personality will change your life considerably if you follow the lessons presented. The discourse begins by assisting you with living your life purpose daily, listening to the guidance from spiritual helpers and bringing your faith to the forefront of any daily challenges you may be experiencing. As you progress in the discourse, it provides the necessary tools to understand what you truly deserve, how to ask better solution-based questions for challenges, appreciate your guidance, and understand how giving and receiving are essential to fulfilling an abundant life. When you finish reading, you will realize the true power of Oneness and be ready to move forward with a Monadic lifestyle centered on Love, Peace and Light.
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